
Medical supplier products for optimum patients satisfaction:

          UK MEDICA supply a variety of customized medical products for better healthcare, and more patients convenient  (more curable rate, highest safety, and easy to use)

Medical supplier Products, sprays are Most modern (Bag on Valve) manufacturing under UK MEDICA brandsGerman technology Bag-On-Valve System consist of :

  • An atomizer aerosol valve sealed with a bag. (Rolled)
  • The bag consist of waterproof multilayer films which provide a barrier: – PET or nylon, – aluminum, – PP
  • Valve and Bag are Heat Bonded plus 100% inspection against any bag defects.
  • The compressed air in the aerosol can is on the outside of the bag (which have the active ingredient) and acts as a propellant on the product which is inside the bag.

Why BOV Medical supplier Sprays?

  • Contrary to aerosol products, where a product and propellant need to be mixed for an optimized spray effect, the separation of these two components in UK MEDICA medical supplier products bag-on-valve system offers numerous advantages.
  • Due to Total separation of active ingredient from propellant gas in  UK MEDICA medical supplier products that allowing pure product filling and dispensing 100 %, Compatibility and Stability of our medical supplier products.

Benefits of UK MEDICA medical supplier of BOV sprays:

  • Micro droplet molecules give wide spread surface coverage and more adhesion contact time, leads to more effective treatment response.
  • More economic as product emptying up to 99%
  • 100 % Hygienic and purification all the time until products expiry date.
    supplier Products & SPRAYS with German Most modern BOV (Bag on Valve)

    Most modern medical supplier (Bag on Valve)

  • Longer shelf life with no preservatives.
  • Bag is FDA-approved, made in German.
  • Can be used in all positions.
  • Environment-friendly propellant (eco-friendly air or nitrogen).
  • Reduced spray noise and non-chilling product discharge.

Polymer customized sea water for Maximum efficacy

for Nasal and sinus wash

  • Medical devices class II-a .
  • BOV caped sprays (100 ml= 400 puff).
  • Fixed new nasal anatomical safe nozzle.
  • Easy to use, Multi position.
  • Very Gentile micro droplet& smooth spray.
  • Micro-diffusion sprays.
  • No active chemicals.
  • No preservatives.
  • No side effects.
  • Alternative to chemicals vasoconstrictors and nasal  decongestants (safe to baby, pregnant, cardiac, hypertensive,…………).
  • Physical mechanism of action action (more tolerable)
  • Made in Italy.

What are the Benefits of proper nasal wash by polymer?

New concentration Polymer nasal sea water spray

Polymer nasal sea water spray 0.9 % , 2.3 % , 3 %

  • Moisturizes the nasal mucosa = proper nasal function.
  • Superior symptom relief (blocked nose, nasal congestion) to patients with sinus disease and nasal allergies
  • Reduce inflammation of the mucosa membrane, allowing normally breathing.
  • Prophylaxies from ENT complications (allergie, colds, rhinitis and sinusitis )
  • Enhance effects of Local nasal specific treatments.
  • Natural decongestant of the blocked nose (Polymer Hypertonic nasal spray)

Medical supplier products of UK MEDICA

«Because We Care for all our patients»